Friday, 13 December 2013

Post for Today?

You might be wondering...
Why there are so many post for today..

it is because that i just knew that i cant have more than 20 pages in this blog..

before this my posts are always be saved as a page..

today, when i want to post another one, there is a pop up stating that "You Have Exceeded The Number of Pages In This Blog"..

So, what else should I do?

I am just using the CUT & PASTE technique to get this job done..
Hehehehe... LOL

see you later!

Mr Deen.

Disambar Helang


dah lama tidak berkarya...

mungkin kerana hati yang tidak menentu...
bukan sedih kerana meninggalkan zaman itu...

tak perlulah nak ulas...

feeling bad 

Syair - Wahai Ibu

Memori lama..
Semasa berada di Semester 2 mengambil Diploma Pendidikan,
terdapat satu subjek wajib yang mesti diambil sebagai syarat wajib universiti. 
Kod Subjek : MPW 1213
Subjek : Bahasa Kebangsaan 

pada akhir semester, kami diminta mengadakan Hari Komunikasi Khalayak untuk mendapatkan lagi 20% markah bagi subjek tersebut. 

Saya telah dilantik sebagai Biro Persembahan untuk program tersebut. 
Persembahan dilakukan oleh 6 orang pelajar terbaik yang disaing terlebih dahulu di dalam kelas. 
Persembahan Syair sentiasa menjadi persembahan yang membosankan bagi ramai orang. Jadi, saya telah menggabungkan syair dan sajak ke dalam satu persembahan.
Persembahan tersebut memaparkan satu jalan cerita tanpa dialog dan hanya menggunakan syair dan sajak.

Setiap 3 syair tersebut dibawa oleh seorang penyair dan telah diselangkan dengan sajak yang penyajaknya cipta sendiri...

Kembang saya jadinya bila dipuji oleh ramai pihak termasuk beberapa pensyarah bahasa sendiri.
katanya, "the content and the storyline was so wonderfully done.. "

walaupun saya belajar Bahasa Inggeris,
Bahasa ibunda saya tetap tidak akan dilupakan.

Bahasa Melambangkan Bangsa 

Miss Natasha Bt Ariffin

last time i posted about Sir Raj Ali Zahid Elley.. 
My literature and TESL Methodology lecturer..
This time I want to tell you about my other beloved lecturer which is the active
Miss Natasha Bt Ariffin 

 She is a very friendly, humorous, active, lovely, courageous, and the other adjectives that can pleasantly describe her even though she is quite fierce in the early years.
She started to show her loving character especially when it comes to us TESLian. 

She love to be straight forward and I like it. Some cannot stand and often hurt by her words. but not me... I'm totally fine with it.

Look at her, isn't she cute and pretty? hohoho 
She always complaint that she is getting puffy and puffy.. 
I don't know why.. 
in my view, she is so adorable.. right?

on 11th April 2011, we celebrated her birthday in a class in Selangor International Islamic University College. It was so fun and i really enjoy the night.

 Lets skip about her until our last semester being with her. 
We've conducted an unforgettable event that was suggested by her to make sure that we have memories to be stored in our heart and mind.
A Theater Production
 Sir Raj Ali Zahid Elley, our Literature Lecturer did not plan for any on stage assignment due to short semester. But amazingly Miss Natasha have trusted us to do the theater. 
She believes on us.
That is all  we need for that time and Alhamdulillah it was a huge success.
Thank You Miss Natasha 

Always in my memory.. ;D 
Thumbs Up

Hiburan dalam Islam

ini adalah assignment saya untuk subjek 
MPW 1143 - Pengajian Islam 
pada semester pertama semasa mengambil 
Diploma in Education 
(Teaching English as a Secondary Language).

Sekadar perkongsian ilmu..

Allah Name on My Fish

Hello friends!! 
Last Friday, I've bought some new fish..
2 Tiger Oscars
2 Albino Oscars
 2 Hypostomus Plecostomus.
don't ask me why is it the name are so weird.. I Don't Know..
Simply search for it if you do want to know..
so, this is my fish..  


this is a new aquarium that i bought a few days after i bought the fish. 


What is so special about this fish?

When I went to a pet shop in Klang city to buy some Parrot Fish, I was called to go back of the store to checked out a few puppies caged there. Along the way, there are many fish that i found very interesting in my eyes.
when i reached the last tank, my legs suddenly stop. WHY?


I found something that is very interesting and really turned me on (not in !@#$%^ way).. :P
I saw the Muslim God name, 

Allah / الله 

on one of the Oscar fish body. I was so amazed and decided to buy the fish.
Here it is..

Fish with Allah name on it


Mail From Allah

adapt and created this poem from the original poem that I took from
The poem is originally created by Shahid Athar, M.D. 
but I changed and added some more ideas to it and make it much more alive.
Let us together read the poem and spend 5 minutes to think for awhile, 
feel and understand the messages existed from this poem.

Poem - Mail from God

For your information, I have used this poem for a group presentation and 

it really was a big success and does really affected us. 


Ini adalah sajak terakhir yang saya cipta sebelum tamat sekolah menengah. 
Malangnya, saya terlupa untuk hantar karya ini kepada sidang redaksi majalah sekolah. 
Jadi, saya cuma simpan untuk kenangan dan koleksi saya sahaja.



Kebetulan pula saya baru sahaja tamat praktikal dan menandakan tamatnya Diploma saya iaitu Diploma in Education 
( Teaching English as a Secondary Language ) 

Jadi, pada kesempatan ini, saya ingin memohon beribu keampunan jika selama kita berkawan, saya ada terkasar bahasa, tersalah bicara, termakan budi, dan lain-lain kesalahan secara sengaja ataupun tidak. Harap kawan-kawan dapat memaafkan segala kesalahan saya.

Dear classmates TESLian Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor
I really hope that we can meet again sometime. 
Even though you are far to the sky or just a step away apart, 
don't give up to pursue your study to the higher level. 
Remember our friendship! 
Remember our memories together! 
Farewell my friends!  

Sajak - Teman
Selamat tinggal kawan-kawan. 

Kawan-kawan sekolah

Kawan-kawan Diploma